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Connect to the Aiven for ClickHouse® service with Python

To connect to your Aiven for ClickHouse® service with Python, you can use either the native protocol or the HTTPS protocol.

Connect with the native protocol


Identify connection information

To run the code for connecting to your service, first identify values of the following variables:

USERNAMEUser for the ClickHouse connection available in the Aiven console: Service Overview > Connection information > ClickHouse native
PASSOWRDPassword for the ClickHouse connection available in the Aiven console: Service Overview > Connection information > ClickHouse native
HOSTHost for the ClickHouse connection available in the Aiven console: Service Overview > Connection information > ClickHouse native
NATIVE_PORTPort for the ClickHouse connection available in the Aiven console: Service Overview > Connection information > ClickHouse native
queryQuery to run, for example SELECT 1

Connect to the service

Replace the placeholders in the code with meaningful information on your service connection and run the code.

from clickhouse_driver import Client
client = Client(user="USERNAME", password="PASSWORD", host="HOST", port=NATIVE_PORT, secure=True)
print(client.execute("SELECT 1"))

Connect with HTTPS


Identify connection information

To run the code for connecting to your service, first identify values of the following variables:

https://HOST:HTTPS_PORTHost and Port for the ClickHouse connection available in the Aiven console: Service Overview > Connection information > ClickHouse HTTPS & JDBC
queryQuery to run, for example SELECT 1
X-ClickHouse-DatabaseDatabase Name available in the Aiven console: Service Overview > Connection information > ClickHouse HTTPS & JDBC, for example system
X-ClickHouse-UserUser for the ClickHouse connection available in the Aiven console: Service Overview > Connection information > ClickHouse HTTPS & JDBC
X-ClickHouse-KeyPassword for the ClickHouse connection available in the Aiven console: Service Overview > Connection information > ClickHouse HTTPS & JDBC
X-ClickHouse-FormatFormat for the output from your query, for example JSONCompact

Connect to the service

Replace the placeholders in the code with meaningful information on your service connection and run the code.

import requests
response =
params={"query": "SELECT 1"},
"X-ClickHouse-Database": "system",
"X-ClickHouse-User": "USERNAME",
"X-ClickHouse-Key": "PASSWORD",
"X-ClickHouse-Format": "JSONCompact",

Now you have your service connection set up and you can proceed to uploading data into your database.

For information on how to connect to the Aiven for ClickHouse service with the ClickHouse client, see Connect with the ClickHouse client.