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Connect with NodeJS

Learn how to connect to an Aiven for Caching service using NodeJS with the ioredis library.


Replace the following placeholders in the code sample with actual values from your service overview page:

SERVICE_URIURI for the Aiven for Caching service connection


To install the ioredis library, run the following command:

npm install --save ioredis


Create a file named index.js and insert the code below, substituting the placeholder with your Aiven for Caching URI:

const Redis = require("ioredis");
const redisUri = "REDIS_URI"
const redis = new Redis(redisUri);

redis.set("key", "hello world");

redis.get("key").then(function (result) {
console.log(`The value of key is: ${result}`);

This code creates a key named key with the value hello world without an expiration. It then retrieves this key from the caching service and outputs its value.

Execute the script with:

node index.js

Successful execution results in the following output:

The value of key is: hello world