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Benchmarking Aiven for Caching performance

Aiven for Caching uses memtier_benchmark, a command-line tool by Redis, for load generation and performance evaluation of NoSQL key-value databases.


redis-benchmark is not supported to work with Aiven services, since CONFIG command is not allowed to run.


  • An Aiven for Caching service running.
  • memtier_benchmark installed. To install the tool, download the source code from GitHub and see the README to install all the dependencies. Next, build and install the tool.

The Testing section within the README is optional.

Running benchmark

Before using memtier_benchmark, explore its capabilities with mentier_benchmark -h or this Redis article.

Substitute the following variables in the commands. The Overview page of your Aiven for Caching service contains this information.

USERNAMEUser name of Aiven for Caching connection
PASSWORDPassword of Aiven for Caching connection
HOSTHostname for Caching connection
PORTPort for Caching connection

The following is a sample command from the Redis blog. This command executes 10000 (-n 10000) SET & GET operations with a 1:1 ratio (--ratio 1:1). It launches 4 threads (-t 4), with each thread opening 25 connections (-c 25). The tool performs 10 iterations (-x 10) of each run to collect meaningful aggregate averages.

memtier_benchmark -a 'USERNAME:PASSWORD' -s 'HOST' -p 'PORT' --tls --tls-skip-verify -t 4 -n 10000 --ratio 1:1 -c 25 -x 10 -d 100 --key-pattern S:S

The output provides detailed metrics on operations per second, latency, and throughput for each test run. Below is an example output for a single benchmark cycle:

Writing results to stdout
[RUN #1] Preparing benchmark client...
[RUN #1] Launching threads now...
[RUN #1 100%, 216 secs] 0 threads: 1000000 ops, 1996 (avg: 4621) ops/sec, 277.88KB/sec (avg: 642.15KB/sec), 50.54 (avg: 21.63) msec latency

<<<< many lines for RUN #2 to RUN #9

[RUN #10] Preparing benchmark client...
[RUN #10] Launching threads now...
[RUN #10 100%, 224 secs] 0 threads: 1000000 ops, 4116 (avg: 4444) ops/sec, 572.83KB/sec (avg: 617.53KB/sec), 24.40 (avg: 22.49) msec latency

4 Threads
25 Connections per thread
10000 Requests per client

Type Ops/sec Hits/sec Misses/sec Avg. Latency p50 Latency p99 Latency p99.9 Latency KB/sec
Sets 2404.11 --- --- 21.62541 20.60700 48.89500 112.63900 339.90
Gets 2404.11 2404.11 0.00 21.62707 20.60700 49.15100 105.98300 328.16
Waits 0.00 --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Totals 4808.23 2404.11 0.00 21.62624 20.60700 49.15100 111.10300 668.06

Request Latency Distribution
Type <= msec Percent
SET 11.327 0.000
<<<< many lines
GET 66.559 100.000
WAIT 0.000 100.000

Type Ops/sec Hits/sec Misses/sec Avg. Latency p50 Latency p99 Latency p99.9 Latency KB/sec
Sets 2249.10 --- --- 22.94219 21.63100 47.87100 109.56700 317.98
Gets 2249.10 2249.10 0.00 22.94561 21.63100 47.87100 109.05500 307.00
Waits 0.00 --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Totals 4498.20 2249.10 0.00 22.94390 21.63100 47.87100 109.56700 624.99

Request Latency Distribution
Type <= msec Percent
SET 10.047 0.000
<<<< many lines
GET 191.487 100.000
WAIT 0.000 100.000

Type Ops/sec Hits/sec Misses/sec Avg. Latency p50 Latency p99 Latency p99.9 Latency KB/sec
Sets 2312.01 --- --- 22.42681 21.24700 47.35900 101.88700 326.88
Gets 2312.01 2312.01 0.00 22.42914 21.24700 47.35900 101.88700 315.59
Waits 0.00 --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Totals 4624.02 2312.01 0.00 22.42798 21.24700 47.35900 101.88700 642.47

Request Latency Distribution
Type <= msec Percent
SET 9.791 0.000
<<<< many lines
GET 712.703 100.000
WAIT 0.000 100.000

This demonstrates the performance data obtainable with memtier_benchmark. The initial sections present data from the 10 runs. The following sections present the BEST RUN, WORST RUN and AGGREGATED AVERAGE results as well as the Request Latency Distribution of the operations.

Running this command on various Aiven for Caching services or the same service under different conditions allows for effective performance comparisons


Aiven has rate limit on services. By default it's 200 new connections per 0.5 second per CPU core. Also be aware of the connection limit depending on memory size as explained in Estimate maximum number of connection.

Aiven enforces a rate limit on services. By default, it's set to 200 new connections per 0.5 seconds per CPU core. Additionally, consider the connection limit based on memory size as explained in Estimate maximum number of connection.