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Access and use AI models with Aiven for AlloyDB Omni Early availability

Enable and use AI models in Aiven for AlloyDB Omni to build and deploy generative AI applications directly on your operational data.

Aiven for AlloyDB Omni allows you to integrate and use many AI models including OpenAI, Gemini, or Hugging Face. You can also integrate an AI model you built yourself using the bring your own model (BYOM) capability.


Use OpenAI

  1. Record your OpenAI user API key as a secret in Google Secret Manager.

  2. Grant your Google service account access to the created secret using the gcloud CLI:

    gcloud secrets add-iam-policy-binding SECRET_ID


    • SECRET_ID is the ID of you newly created secret recorded in the Google Secret Manager
    • GOOGLE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_PRINCIPAL is your Google service account principal, for example
  3. Declare the secret for the integration using the psql CLI:

    CALL google_ml.create_sm_secret(


    • DECLARED_SECRET_ID is the local identifier for your secret
    • GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT_NAME is the name of your Google Cloud project where the secret in stored
    • SECRET_ID is the ID of the secret created in Google Secret Manager
  4. Define the AI model using the psql CLI:

    CALL google_ml.create_model(
    model_id => 'gpt-4o',
    model_provider => 'open_ai',
    model_request_url =>'',
    model_type => 'generic',
    model_auth_type => 'secret_manager',
    model_auth_id => 'DECLARED_SECRET_ID',
    model_qualified_name => 'gpt-4o');

    where DECLARED_SECRET_ID is the local identifier for the secret declared for the integration.

  5. Use the model by running:

    SELECT google_ml.predict_row('gpt-4o','{"model" : "gpt-4o", "messages" : [{"role": "user", "content": "What is Aiven?"}]}')->'choices'->0->'message'->'content';

Use Gemini


Gemini models are integrated into Google Cloud’s Vertex AI platform. To enable other Vertex-AI-supported models in Aiven, use the instructions for integrating Gemini, adjusting as needed.

  1. Grant the service user access to utilize Vertex AI using the gcloud CLI:

    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT_NAME


    • GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT_NAME is the name of your Google Cloud project
    • GOOGLE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_PRINCIPAL is your Google service account principal, for example
  2. Define the AI model on your Aiven for AlloyDB Omni service using the psql CLI:

    CALL google_ml.create_model(
    model_id => 'gemini-1.0-pro',
    model_request_url => '',
    model_provider => 'google',
    model_auth_type => 'alloydb_service_agent_iam');

    where GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT_NAME is the name of your Google Cloud project.

  3. Use the model by running:

    SELECT google_ml.predict_row(
    model_id =>'gemini-1.0-pro',
    request_body =>'{ "contents": { "role": "user", "parts": { "text": "What is Aiven?" } }}');

Use Hugging Face

  1. Record your Hugging Face access token as a secret in Google Secret Manager.

  2. Grant your Google service account access to the created secret using the gcloud CLI:

    gcloud secrets add-iam-policy-binding SECRET_ID


    • SECRET_ID is the ID of you newly created secret recorded in the Google Secret Manager
    • GOOGLE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_PRINCIPAL is your Google service account principal, for example
  3. Declare the secret for the integration using the psql CLI:

    CALL google_ml.create_sm_secret(


    • DECLARED_SECRET_ID is the local identifier for your secret
    • GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT_NAME is the name of your Google Cloud project where the secret in stored
    • SECRET_ID with the ID of the secret created in Google Secret Manager
  4. Define the AI model using the psql CLI:

    CALL google_ml.create_model(
    model_id => 'Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.3',
    model_provider => 'custom',
    model_request_url =>'',
    model_type => 'generic',
    model_auth_type => 'secret_manager',
    model_auth_id => 'DECLARED_SECRET_ID',
    model_qualified_name => 'Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.3');

    where DECLARED_SECRET_ID is the local identifier for the secret declared for the integration.

  5. Use the model by running:

    SELECT google_ml.predict_row('Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.3','{"inputs" : "What is Aiven?"}')->0->'generated_text';

Bring your own model (BYOM)

Aiven for AlloyDB Omni can connect to custom or 3rd party models remotely. Such remote models can be used to:

  • Generate embeddings by translating text prompts into numerical vectors (embedding())
  • Invoke predictions using SQL within transactions (predict_row())

BYOM prerequisites

  • Model endpoint can be called using the HTTP/HTTPS REST protocol.
  • Input and output of model endpoint calls support the JSON format.

Enable BYOM for text embeddings

  1. Declare transformation functions to move from text input to a JSON request by encode the input_text parameter into a JSON field prompt for the outgoing request:

    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION mymodel_text_input_transform(model_id VARCHAR(100), input_text TEXT)
    LANGUAGE plpgsql
    AS $$
    transformed_input JSON;
    SELECT json_build_object(
    INTO transformed_input;
    RETURN transformed_inpput;
  2. Parse the returned response from JSON into a array of real vectors by translating the list of vector array into a single list of expected vectors:

    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION mymodel_text_output_transform(model_id VARCHAR(100), response_json JSON)
    LANGUAGE plpgsql
    AS $$
    transformed_output REAL[];
    SELECT ARRAY(SELECT json_array_elements_text(response_json->0)) INTO transformed_output;
    RETURN transformed_output;
  3. Declare the secret for the integration using the psql CLI:

    CALL google_ml.create_sm_secret(


    • DECLARED_SECRET_ID is the local identifier for your secret
    • GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT_NAME is the name of your Google Cloud project where the secret in stored
    • SECRET_ID is the ID of the secret created in Google Secret Manager
  4. Define the AI model using the psql CLI:

    CALL google_ml.create_model(
    model_id => 'LOCAL_MODEL_ID',
    model_provider => 'custom',
    model_request_url =>'MODEL_URL_ENDPOINT',
    model_type => 'MODEL_TYPE',
    model_auth_type => 'secret_manager',
    model_auth_id => 'DECLARED_SECRET_ID',
    model_in_transform_fn => ‘mymodel_text_input_transform’,
    model_out_transform_fn => ‘mymodel_text_output_transform’);


    • LOCAL_MODEL_ID is the name of the registered model
    • M̀ODEL_URL_ENDPOINT is a pointer to your remote model
    • MODEL_TYPE is either text-embedding or generic depending on whether to use an embedding() call or a predict_row() call
    • DECLARED_SECRET_ID is the local identifier for the secret declared for the integration
    • model_in_transform_fn and model_out_transform_fn are the transformation functions declared earlier
  5. Use your model by running:

    model_id => 'LOCAL_MODEL_ID',
    content => 'Aiven for AlloyDB Omni is a managed cloud-hosted SQL database service with AI integrations');

Next step

With an AI model integrated, you can build generative AI applications using AlloyDB AI.