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Manage unassigned projects

An unassigned project is a project that isn't assigned to an organization or organizational unit. Projects that are part of an organization or unit are easier to maintain as common settings, like authentication, are centrally managed at the organization level. These projects also get the latest feature updates.

Learn more about organizations, organizational units, and projects.

Manage unassigned projects in Aiven Console

Assign projects to an organization or unit


If you don't have an organization, create one.

To assign standalone projects to an organization or unit in the Aiven Console:

  1. Click Projects.

  2. Click View unassigned projects to list all projects unassigned to an organization or organizational unit.


    If you don't see View unassigned projects in the dropdown menu, you don't have any unassigned projects.

  3. On the Unassigned projects page, click Assign project for a project to assign.

  4. Add any other projects to assign to the same organization or unit.

  5. Select the organization or organizational unit.

  6. Click Assign projects.

Create an organization

Projects must be assigned to organizations or units. We recommend using only one organization and creating organizational units to group your projects.

To create an organization:

  1. At the top-right side, click Create organization.

  2. Enter a name for the organization.

  3. Select the projects to assign to this organization. You can search for projects by name.

  4. To invite admin users to the organization, set the toggle to Yes and enter their email addresses. They will receive an email to join the organization.


    When admin users accept the invitation, they have full control over the organization and the projects assigned to it.

  5. Click Create organization.

The Admin page opens, where you can add organizational units, and manage users, groups, and other settings.

Manage unassigned projects with the API

List unassigned projects

To list the names of all unassigned projects use the following:

curl -sXGET \ \
-H "Authorization: Bearer TOKEN" | jq -r '.projects[] | select(.account_id==null) | .project_name'

Assign standalone projects to an organization or unit programmatically


If you don't have an organization, create an organization first and assign your projects to it.

To assign a standalone project to an organization or unit use the following call:

curl -sXPUT \ \
-H "Authorization: Bearer TOKEN" \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{"account_id":"ACCOUNT_ID","add_account_owners_admin_access":true}'


  • ACCOUNT_ID is the ID of the organization or unit.
  • PROJECT_NAME is the name of the project to assign.

Create an organization programmatically

To create an organization use the following call:

curl -sXPOST \ \
-H "Authorization: Bearer TOKEN" \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
--data '{"account_name":"ORG_NAME"}' | jq


  • ORG_NAME is the name of your new organization.