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Manage domains

Adding a verified domain in Aiven adds an extra layer of security to managing your organization's users. When you verify a domain, your organization users automatically become managed users.

There are two ways you can verify a domain:

  • by adding a DNS TXT record to the domain (recommended)
  • by uploading an HTML file to your website

Add a domain using a DNS TXT record

  1. In the organization, click Admin.

  2. Click Domains.

  3. Click Add domain.

  4. Enter a Domain name.

  5. In the Verification method, select Add a DNS TXT record to your domain host.

  6. Click Add domain.

  7. In the Verification method column, click DNS TXT record.

  8. Copy the TXT record value.

  9. In another browser tab or window, log in to your domain hosting provider.

  10. Go to the DNS settings.

  11. In the DNS settings for your domain provider, create a TXT record with the following:

    Field nameValue
    Name_aiven-challenge.{your domain}
    Record valueThe TXT record value you copied in the format token=<random_string>,expiry=never
  12. In the Aiven Console, click Actions > Verify.

It can take up to 72 hours for your DNS records to update the domain to be verified. If the domain is still not verified after that time, you can retry it by repeating the last step.

Add a domain using an HTML file

  1. In the organization, click Admin.
  2. Click Domains.
  3. Click Add domain.
  4. Enter a Domain name.
  5. In the Verification method, select Upload an HTML file to your website.
  6. Click Add domain.
  7. In the Verification method column, click HTML file upload.
  8. Download the HTML file.
  9. Upload the HTML file to your website in the path /.well-known/aiven.
  10. In the Aiven Console, open the Actions > Verify.

Remove a domain


Removing a domain is an irreversible action.

  1. In the organization, click Admin.
  2. Click Domains.
  3. Find the domain and click Actions > Remove.