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Delete a cross-region backup Limited availabilty

Delete an additional service backup created in a region different from your primary backup region.

You can delete a cross-region backup using the Aiven console, CLI, or API.

Delete backup via console

  1. Log in to the Aiven Console.
  2. From the Services view, select an Aiven service on which you'd like to disable BTAR.
  3. On your service's page, select Backups from the sidebar.
  4. On the Backups page, select the actions (...) menu > Secondary backup location.
  5. In the Edit secondary backup location window, select Disable.

Your additional service backup is no longer visible on your service's Backups page in the Secondary backup location column.

Delete backup with CLI

To remove secondary backups for your service, use the avn service update command to remove all target regions names from the additional_backup_regions array.

avn service update your-sevice-name   \
-c additional_backup_regions=\[\]

Delete backup with API

To remove secondary backups for your service, update the service configuration. Use the ServiceUpdate endpoint to remove all target regions names from the additional_backup_regions array.

curl --request PUT                                                                  \
--url \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
"user_config": {
"additional_backup_regions": []

The additional cross-region backup has been deleted. You still have the default backup located in the primary (service-hosting) region.