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Scale disk storage

Use dynamic disk sizing (DDS) to scale your service's disk storage by a factor of 10 Gi, without upgrading your plan.

This operation does not disrupt your running service. You pay only for the additional storage, not for the compute resources that are part of an upgraded service plan.


DDS is available for the following services:

  • Aiven for Apache Kafka®
  • Aiven for PostgreSQL®
  • Aiven for MySQL®
  • Aiven for OpenSearch®
  • Aiven for Apache Cassandra®
  • Aiven for Metrics®
  • Aiven for M3DB®

DDS is not supported on custom plans.

When you add storage to your service, the Aiven platform provisions the extra disk space and dynamically adds it to your running instances. The total amount of storage you can add to your service is based on your service plan and the cloud provider.

In a clustered service such as Apache Cassandra or Apache Kafka, the additional storage is equally divided between the nodes. In a shared service, each node receives the total shared capacity of the added storage.


  • Maximum storage size depends on the plan and the service type. It can go as high as five times the base storage size of the plan.
  • Due to cloud provider restrictions, there is a limit on how many times storage can be increased between two maintenance updates. If this limit is reached, perform a maintenance update for performance optimization.
  • If there is an ongoing maintenance update, you cannot add storage until the update is completed.

It is unlikely that any performance degradation from additional disk storage would be noticeable in your clients, but it is possible.


If you add storage when you create a service, the cost is included as part of your service's total cost and is shown in the service summary.

The cost of adding storage to a running service is shown in Aiven Console when you add it. The total price you see is the cost of the additional storage and any backups associated with it. You can also see these storage usage costs in your invoices.


You cannot add or remove storage when service nodes are in the rebuilding state, for example, during a maintenance update or a service upgrade.

If you are removing disk storage:

  • Make sure the data in your service does not exceed your service plan's allocated storage. If it does, you will not be able to remove the additional storage.
  • Plan for the time it takes to rebuild the service. The time it takes depends on the service.
  1. In your project, click Services and open a service.

  2. On the sidebar, Click Service settings.

  3. In the Service plan section, click Actions > Change plan > Manage additional storage.

  4. In the Upgrade service storage dialog, click Change plan choose the new service plan and tier or use the slider to adjust disk storage.

    • The price shown for the additional storage includes backup costs.

    • You can only remove storage that you previously added using this feature. To downgrade further, you can change your service plan.

  5. Click Save Changes.

If you added storage, the additional storage is available immediately. If you removed additional storage, the service nodes go through a rolling restart. Depending on the service type and plan, there might be a short downtime for services with no HA capabilities.


Storage optimization is performed at the next maintenance update after a change to the storage size. Due to cloud provider limitations, there is a limit on how many times storage can be increased between two maintenance updates. When this limit is reached, perform a maintenance update for performance optimization. Plan increases to avoid reaching this limit.